Wppi Las Vegas, MGM Grand, Photo Walk

I just got back from WPPI in Las Vegas.  It’s a huge convention filled with all sorts of photographers.  Wedding photography and portrait photography is my speciality.  I choose to concentrate in that area but I don’t limit myself to only being a wedding photographer. This Year WPPI was amazing,  It’s amazing every year. Sitting in a room and watching the thousands of prints get judged, hearing the constructive criticism, seeing the award winners on the wall, learning new techniques is all priceless. Its so inspiring to see how many truly amazing photographers are out there. Another highlight of wppi is seeing a man who has taught me so much about photography, and so much about life as well and he probably doesn’t even know it.  Jerry Ghionis and Melissa Ghionis are just the nicest people I have ever met.  On the Flight home I was reading and looking at  images in Jerry Ghionis new Book called Darling. It brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful, inspiring book, the quotes, the stories. I would recom14__8053b14__805814__806914__809514__810514__811814__813714__8145mend it. This was the first time I did a photo walk at WPPI. The photo walk was with David Beckstead.  It was a fun 2 hours of learning and shooting.  Here are some of the images of the photo walk. I hope you enjoy.

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