When searching for your wedding photographer or a engagement photographer. Someone might type in who is the Best wedding photographer in the bay area, or who is the most creative wedding photographer in the bay area. Well Roberta found me on google, she typed in romantic creative wedding photographer in the San Francisco Bay area. She followed me on instagram (Rossetti photography) and she immediately wanted to book me. Roberta & Adam’s first plan was to have their engagement session in Yosemite during the winter. We were tying to figure out the logistics when she asked if I could do the shoot in Arnold California. Her family was going to be staying in a cabin for the weekend and it would be a perfect opportunity to get some outdoor snowy engagement photos done. Roberta and Adam love the outdoors, they love camping, love the snow. we drove around looking for the perfect spot to pull off the highway. It was raining all day. It was not pouring hard but just a light annoying rain. When It rain’s I love it, that means I can get really creative engagement photos. If you are searching for a wedding photographer and you stumble on this blog site because you typed in best wedding photographer in the bay area then you have come to the right place. Enjoy.

Best bay area wedding photographer