Bay Area nursing and maternity photographer + Central Valley Family Portrait Photographer

This session was a first for me, a nursing session. When I was asked to photograph a session like this, I thought right away to myself what a beautiful bonding time between mother and child.   I needed a natural setting for my backdrop.  I wanted it to be in the water or around water.  I photographed  this nursing session at the “Golden Hour” and really got some warm skin tones and a warm feeling in all of the photographs.  The nursing session also turned into a family portrait session because Amanda’s daughter also came along. This was my first nursing session and hopefully not my last I would love to do more nursing and maternity sessions.  If your in the San Francisco bay area, or the central valley and are looking for a family portrait photographer, a wedding photographer, or a maternity nursing photographer I am the guy for the job.

Let's Get In Touch!

Ready to start your next project with us? That's great! Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
